
The Organizing Committee of the XII CHIMALI awards 5 fellowships for the participation of young researchers to the CHIMALI - XII Italian Food Chemistry Congress that will be held in Camerino (Italy) on September 24-27, 2018.

The fellowships are reserved to young researchers under 35 years on June 30, 2018 with no permanent position jobs who are engaged in scientific or educational activities. The fellowships consist in free registration and accommodation in Campus rooms.

Fellowship application requests must be sent by June 30, 2018 by mail to:

Dr. Giovanni Caprioli

Università degli Studi di Camerino

e-mail: giovanni.caprioli@unicam.it

phone +39 0737402238

The applications must be accompanied by:

a) Short curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum);

b) Applicant’s status declared by his/her supervisor;

c) Title and abstract of a communication (to be) submitted as poster or oral communication.

The applications will be reviewed and selected by a specific committee.

Recipients will be informed by July 6, 2018.




The Medicinal Chemistry Division of Italian Chemical Society offers two fellowships, which cover registration, board and lodging, for participation at the 2018 Italian Congress of Food Chemistry.

All information is available on the Division's website:    https://www.soc.chim.it/it/divisioni/farmaceutica/home   The deadline for sending the applications is 15 June 2018


The Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) will provide four fellowships to support participation​ for PhD students or academic post-docs under 35, with 2018 membership at Divisione di Chimica Analitica of SCI, presenting posters or talks at the 2018 Italian Congress of Food Chemistry, ​with preference given to candidates studying at Italian institutions.

Interested candidates who have alreadyregistered or will register ​to the conference may apply by emailing to Prof. Aldo Laganà at aldo.lagana@uniroma1.it. The applicant must be the first author and presenter of the poster or oral communication.


Italian food chemistry congress

September 24-27 2018
Camerino - Italy