Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica degli Alimenti della Società Chimica Italiana (GICA-SCI)

The Interdivisional Group of Food Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (GICA-SCI) gathers researchers, both from academia and industry, interested in many aspects of Food Chemistry. It is one of the most numerous Interdivisional Groups of the Italian Chemical Society. This Group organizes in alternate years a Scientific Conference involving the participation of 200-250 researchers, mainly from Italy, but also from other European and non-European countries.


Marco Arlorio

Prof. Arlorio is a full professor of Food Chemistry at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of Piemonte Orientale, currently he also holds the position of president of the "Food Chemistry Division" of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) for the two year period 2015-2017.



Marco ARLORIO, University of Piemonte Orientale (Coordinator)
Anna ARNOLDI, University of Milan
Ivana Lidia BONACCORSI, University of Messina
Arnaldo DOSSENA, University of Parma
Paola DUGO, University of Messina
Nadia MULINACCI, University of Firenze (Secretary)
Sauro VITTORI, University of Camerino (Treasurer)



Italian food chemistry congress

September 24-27 2018
Camerino - Italy